Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Sunday Seven

Taking a moment to slow down and savor the goodness of the week before I face the next.

Hibiscus, Florida spring

7. Back to writing.  I make time to read.  I make time to work out.  I only make time to write during the March Slice of Life Story Challenge. I'll be processing how I can do this routinely during this month. I can't say I love writing. Looking back, however, all my posts make me feel accomplished, I have a trove of memories for myself and my daughter if  she wants them.  I am grateful for the team at Two Writing Teachers who make this happen and the writers who join us.

6. Florida spring weather. It’s my favorite time of year. If I ruled the school calendar, we would take spring off and go to school over the summer during the hottest part of the year. Until then, I make sure to be outside each day and enjoy the flowers, sunrise, sunsets and the air. 
5. Being able to move. I walked over 7 miles at work at least three times this week in our testing frenzy. I leveled up to 30 lb dumbbells at CG this week too. I feel physically strong, but also know how
that can change in a moment. Still I move.

4. A great work team. We have so much going on right now between testing, a 9th grade team writing workshop, the end of the nine weeks, Saturday seminar, and most important, teaching. Just being there for students matters much. I appreciate the more than showing up they do each day although it can be really hard some days.

3. Health insurance that’s more than decent! It’s time for an equipment upgrade and my insulin pump from T-Slim arrived Friday. It’s a $5000 machine that I wear 24 hours a day. It’s one of a few pieces of equipment that keeps me alive and helps me thrive since I am taking care of myself for the long game. 
2. It was a full week. Coming home after work to a tidy home made so by my husband lessened the chaos and I am grateful. 

1. Being able to take the time to watch my daughter grow.  Monday she turned 15. Tuesday she "lost" or misplaced her $100 team suit which I later found in her chest of drawers only after I lost my cool. Wednesday she scored her 1st water polo goal. Thursday she got up at 6 am to go to practice. Friday she danced.  Saturday her friends celebrated her birthday with her by demolishing a 30 inch pizza from the Lazy Moon and taking a spin at Orlando Eye, a four hundred foot Ferris wheel. Sunday, right now finds her still asleep.  


  1. I am so jealous of your Florida spring weather!! I live in Also, I can totally relate to your #7- writing is a routine I really want to start to incorporate! Your life sounds fun - enjoy! :)

  2. Oh, Beth, this post is lovely. Your reflection captures the essence of what is important to you in life. I especially enjoyed your last two...if I came home to a house tidied by my husband, I would be ELATED. And your daughter. What an honor to watch her grow. I also have daughters and with each passing year, the love expands.


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