I've blogged about my workout community before, Camp Gladiator. I've been a member of this bootcamp for almost six years. I could add a lot more to each letter. It keeps my head straight after a tough day at work. It keeps my blood sugars in range as well as other health numbers. Also I love the people, my trainers and my cg buddies! It is truly a mainstay in my life and has been able to accommodate an aging athlete. I am inching closer to my 500th check-in, but initially there was no check-in process so I know that I am well above 500 hours of time!
Anklers & Arnold Press
Burpees & Bear Crawls
Cardio & Core
Deadlifts & Drained
Endurance & Exercise
Family & Fitness
Games & Goblet Squats & Gains
High Fives & Happy Sweaty Faces
Intensity & Inchworms
Jump Jacks & Judge-free Zone
Lunges & Lateral Leaps
Monster Walks & Mountain Climbers
Nature & Nuture
Obstacles & Obliques
Push Press & Planks
Quivering & Quaking & Quick Feet
Reverse Crunch & Russian Twists
Strength & Sumo Squats & Sally
Tires & Tired
Upright Rows &
V-UPs & Victory
X-hausted & X-hilarted
Y-Raises & Yoga
Zig-Zag Sandbell Run & Zone
I'm sure my CG-Family & trainers near and far can add more to each letter! What's your favorite exercise?
Very impressive! I have fallen off the exercise treadmill for the past 6 months and am really mad at myself. Look at you! I hope this will motivate me a bit. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI love your workout ABC's! I've been working out with a trainer twice a week for six years now with no plans for quitting--ever. All the hard work has made me stronger, healthier, happier, and younger at heart....so worth every sore muscle, isn't it?