Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday Seven: An Hour Lost

7. Spring Forward!  I love daylight savings time!  At fall back, many relish the extra hour of sleep, but I mourn the loss of evening light.  I love the extra time in the evening to play and be outside. I remember going to bed when I was little and it was still light outside.  I hated that!  With extended daylight, I get to enjoy the world after work.  The dark-thirty doesn't matter to me in the am.  I always get up them regardless of the evening light.

6.  My colleagues, who despite the crazy, we are able to rise above and still laugh together.

5. My daughter had fun at her first middle school dance.  She danced and danced.  She looked so grownup and composed walking in, but came home red-faced and sweaty.  I always swear to people I married my husband because he dances.  We are glad to have spawned a child who does too!

4.  UCF Spring break!  Of course, I worked my day job, but it was nice to not have to go to work on Wednesday night.  I also ended up physically not being able to go to work that night. It was nice to nap through my 24 hour bug.  I woke up feeling amazing on Thursday.

3.  Orange Gatorade.  You can have your blues, reds, purples and ices, but there is nothing better than Orange Gatorade when I am sick.  I haven't had it in about 7 years.

2.  Four pairs of new workout socks.  I love them and I will be wearing my running shoes to work in the next few weeks due to testing.  I needed the socks.  I wear Balegas.  They are worth the cost, but my favorite locally owned running store, the Track Shack had a huge sale.  #Score

1.  My A1C was down.  After a slight rise for my last test, I was able to refocus and trend downward again. May this downward spiral continue!


  1. I love those long summer evenings too! And mmm, orange gatorade.

  2. Your verb choice in number five made me chuckle ("spawned") - reminded me of her zombie love too. Dancing = happy!


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