Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Push Through

I would be lying if I would say it’s been an easy nine weeks, but it’s been pretty trying and grueling. I’m back the whole year has been pretty trying. The high point was taking over the yearbook in late January and grinding the 120 pages out in a month. I have nothing to say. I’m wiped. I’ve just been sitting on the couch for the past 48 minutes trying to think about what to write about. I have a good draft about my Vacay for PR but it won’t be ready today and I want it to be good. I do know for the past two years I have not completed the slice challenge every day in March and this is about right around the time when I have “fallen off the wagon” so I’m just getting something on paper. And the irony is that I know I can finish it because I finished it for at least eight years. I’ve crossed that finish line pre Covid. I haven’t made it across since and that’s really my goal just to finish get my groove back. So thanks for dropping by if you You know if I make it to March 15 I’m halfway there so really it’s holding myself accountable to post March 13 where I can get over this digital wall that I’ve had for the past two years. Thanks for listening and have a good night. PS…I hate daylight savings time even though we voted it out in the state of Florida. It’s going to take the federal government to actually approve it hello  Let’s do some actual work in Congress that actually affects people for better. 


  1. I'm sorry you're struggling. Yearbook leader is a BIG job, especially after the COVID year. Take it day by day and you'll find friends here.

    1. I love the reminders for the short writing ideas.Thank you!

  2. Oh, first of all, yes, an amen to Congress getting some work done that will help people! That will be great. You are here, and that is another day down. You can do this. Congratulations on getting all those yearbook pages done in a month. Don't forget you can write a six-word story of your day or a haiku if you are stuck!

    1. Thank you for the cheering on!

  3. You've got this! I wish we could switch to standard time too-- this daylight savings sure messes with my old body clock!


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