Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday Seven`

Taking time to reflect on the goodness of the week. 

7.  Late nights and sleeping in.

6. All the dust bunnies have disappeared after three days of deep spring cleaning and my daughter's room stayed officially clean for more than 24 hours.

5. A morning round of frisbee golf with friends.

4. Achieving all but one of my spring break goals

3. Being able to walk side-by-side with my daughter and her middle school friend as well as my colleagues for the March for Our Lives. I hope we never have to take those steps again.  It was amazing to take to the streets of Orlando with some many teachers, parents, grandparents and kids, all the people.  I love that I live in a country where I can exercise my rights  and was thankful for the Orlando Police for ensuring we had safe conduct thru the streets.  The speakers were courageous and the energy contagious. Let's take it to the polls in November.

2. My mini-spring break adventure with my family.

1.  Florida breezy sunshiny spring days with cool leave your window open nights.


  1. That is an amazing seven on Sunday list though I am a little jealous of the sunny skies. I have not seen the sun in close to seven days! Thank you for exercising your rights.

  2. Sounds like a lovely peaceful week!

  3. Counting down from seven to recall your week--I like it! I'll have to remember this technique. Sounds like you had an amazing week. Here's hoping that it has energized you to finish your school year strong.


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