Managing Type 1 diabetes hinges on three components, exercise, diet,and insulin. I have been sidelined from working out since July 22nd when I had ACL surgery. I have been managing my food intake closely in order to offset my lack of motion. I didn't account for my need for extra insulin. In fact, I know that I threw away at least three bottles of insulin thinking they had gone bad. (It's not hard to do in Florida during the summer!) I realized today that I needed to change my basal rate---it didn't happen because I realized it three months too late. Hindsight is 20-20. Every other number looked great today, the small victories. The larger victory, my understanding the power of exercise in the management of my disease. Luckily, I've been released to do cardio for 20 minutes a day as part of my physical therapy this month and my endo has helped me adjust my basal rate. The A1C will come back down. I never thought I would be so happy to have the opportunity to exercise. The Big Blue Test just provides even more motivation to do so.
This movement, however, isn't just for diabetics. I hope you join me in taking care of yourself this month, just by stepping out with me. Cardio is not only great for the body, but also the mind. .